Sunday, October 29, 2006

Snowed In!!!!

I was originally going to call this Walking in a Winter Wonderland when I woke up Friday morning to a few nice flurries. But by Saturday afternoon when we had accumulated about 3 feet of the lovely white stuff - I no longer felt it was a winter wonderland. In just about 30 hours - we got 3 feet of snow. It's really a little wild. Parts of our fence dividing us and the neighbours has about half a foot showing. I can no longer see some of our lilac bushes. We took a drive around town yesterday afternoon and in most parts there was a little path through the snow for us to drive through. The boys think it is pretty neat - although Clayton was a little cranky at me because he didn't have all of his outdoor toys picked up and I had told him that we had lots of time before winter!!


Lorraine said...

Wow - does that bring back memories...You know it's a lot of snow when the locals are taking pictures of it ;) Our whole city would shut down if we got 1/3 of that!Enjoy!

The Turcotte's said...

We are still not quite back to normal. Burns Lake is completely shut down - most of it still has no power. We were one of the lucky ones - we didn't lose our power at all. I don't like to say that too loudly though. Bruce has been busy grading roads around town - everywhere you go there are graders, loaders, and dump trucks trying to get rid of the snow. We've had the grader parked in our driveway for the past couple of days and we live right in town! It's been quite a crazy week. One of the schools shut down because there was no heat due to power outage and one school had a fire in the roof when the power went out.
We should be back to normal before the snow flies again - it's snowing lightly this morning!!